It is important that people have finally been reminded of the 1976 Swine Flu fiasco, although what was not mentioned is that about 500 people were paralyzed by Guillain-Barre Syndrome shortly after vaccination, in addition to the 25 deaths.
There are two important questions not being asked about this current 'pandemic': would the people testing positive now have also tested positive a month or a year ago? And, are there other explanations for the deaths in Mexico?
All biological tests have false positives, and the fact that most people testing positive, in the US at least, have no connection with Mexico or other cases, indicates that they are probably false positives. The epidemic is of testing, not swine flu.
It is also notable that the severity of illness is much greater in Mexico than anywhere else. It would be out of character for germ-obsessed public health officials to look for alternative explanations for these illnesses, such as aerial spraying of pesticides to keep down the swarms of flies that are a problem on the manure ponds next to large pig processing plants.