Friday, December 21, 2007

Letter to a Friend

In response a friend who forwarded me a letter supposedly from Michigan State Professor Indrek Wichman who protested all the sins of muslims, ending by asking them all to go home to their ancestral lands.

Dear Friend;
I'm surprised that your professor didn't mention the rape of a 14 year old girl by US soldiers in Iraq, preceded by the murder of her entire family (the Haditha massacre). Nor the killing of an estimated one million people due to the war in Iraq caused by a fundamentalist Christian president, nor the displacement of millions more, nor the unwillingness of America to take more than a handful of the people they have displaced as refugees. Nor the eviction of Palestinians (a mixture of christians and muslims) from their lands by zionists in the 1940s so that the good Christians of Europe could salve their conscience for the atrocities of the nazis without any impact to themselves. I'm surprised he didn't mention the torture of mostly muslim men by US authorities in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram and elsewhere, men who appear to have been innocent, as they are gradually now being released without charges by the Americans (a country run by a ruling elite of fundamentalist christians). He didn't mention how American psychologists (probably mostly white christians) are helping break muslim prisoners down by exploiting their sexual modesty (and in many other ways). Forcing them to masturbate in front of a woman, stacking them naked and taking pictures of them in positions they consider shameful. He didn't mention that the president of the United States has mentioned the possible use of nuclear weapons against a mostly muslim country (Iran) for the temerity to proceed with the enrichment of plutonium, which has peaceful purposes and which could not, at they rate they are doing it, result in a bomb in less than a decade. He didn't mention that the mostly christian nation of the USA, in conjunction with the Russians, has torn up all nuclear disarmament treaties, destroying the legacy of Reagan and Gorbachev and endangering the whole world. He didn't mention that the US doesn't want nuclear weapons in the middle east unless they're held by Israel or the not very stable country of Pakistan, but will attack Iraq or Iran just because America says they want weapons, not because they really want them, and certainly not because they have them. Your professor protests suicide bombings, and I agree with him. But he didn't protest the thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of civilians casualties caused by white, christian, imperialistic wars in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. He didn't protest the refusal of the US government to sign the land mine treaty. Nor did he protest the continued use of cluster bombs (which are like landmines delivered from the air) by the US and Israel (in civilian areas of Lebanon, for example). Nor did he protest the use of depleted uranium weapons and armor in places safely away from America where the fine radioactive dust caused by explosions leaves a legacy of cancer.

Your professor also failed to mention how America supported Saddam Hussein in his early days, perhaps to increase their influence in the area, and even help provide the materials needed to gas the Kurds. He didn't mention how America supported the islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan against the Russians. And how they supported the Taliban because they banned the cultivation of poppies. Your professor is, in a word, a complete hypocrite and, in a second word, racist to boot.

Christians should remember St. Matthew: "Why beholdest thou the mote that is in they brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

What is most distasteful is Christians who only see sins committed against Christians, Muslims who only see sins committed against Muslims and Jews who only see sins committed against Jews.

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